MU Technologies Managing Team
The distinguished team below has been instrumental in playing key roles in their various capacities in delivering key projects undertaken by MU Technologies besides designing modern computing products that have made a positive impact in the education and ICT sectors of our economy. Notably;

Digital Literacy Program
Assembly, delivery and installation of over 500, 000 leaners tablets, laptops, projectors and other accessories including offering 1st line support (offering repair and maintenance)

Constituency Innovation Hubs
Assembly, delivery and installation of laptops in Constituency Innovation Hub (CIH) spread across the country.

Kenya Population & Housing Census
Assembly of over 20,000 tablets including installation of the required software and peripherals that were successfully used during The 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census (KPHC)

Consultancy Smart Cities Development
Carrying out consultancy services for the establishment and development of Smart City infrastructure at Konza Metropolis.
The Team

Prof. Eng. Kirimi H. Kiriamiti
Project Leader

Dr. Kiyeng Chumo
Technical Lead

Mr. Phillip Kipkoech
Project Manager

CPA Egla Chebet Samoei

Eric Liyala
Legal Lead

Frida Sang
HR Lead

MU Technologies Store!
The new address for quality, affordable and easy to access computer and tablet outlet in Kenya.
We offer pocket friendly easy ways to purchase and own your personal computer